NRG-X2 2-Pole AC Power Cable

No matter how perfect an AC power source, distortion is added within any AC cable, especially within a stranded cable. Even the most sophisticated filters and power supplies cannot eliminate this cable-induced distortion. 
SEMI-SOLID CONCENTRIC PACKED CONDUCTORS: Semi-Solid Concentric Packed Conductors are used in some of AudioQuest’s AC power and speaker cables as a cost-effective, flexible alternative to typical stranded conductors. Semi-Solid Concentric Packed Conductors use fewer, larger strands that do not change position down the length of the cable. While solid conductors are the complete solution to strand distortion, Semi-Solid Concentric Packed Conductors avoid many of the distortion mechanisms of stranded conductors.

LONG-GRAIN COPPER (LGC): LGC allows a smoother and clearer sound than cables using regular OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) copper. OFHC is a general metal industry specification regarding “loss” without any concern for distortion. LGC has fewer oxides within the conducting material, less impurities, less grain boundaries, and definitively better performance.  NRG-X3 cables use LGC strands in a Semi-Solid Concentric Packed Conductor arrangement.

HELICAL-ARRAY GEOMETRY: The relationship between conductors defines a cable’s most basic electrical values (including capacitance and inductance). However, even when those variables are kept in a reasonable balance, the relationship between conductors can be varied in ways that greatly effect performance. Helical-Array (such as circular-spiral) construction allows for significantly better dynamic contrast and clarity than if the same conductors were run in parallel or as multiple twisted pairs.

COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This novel plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact.  The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste.

  售價:2,700( 1.8 )




   單蕊長結晶銅材質 Solid Long-Grain Copper (LGC) Conductor (+),聲音傳遞不失真。


    四線陣列式(Quad-Helix spiral)結構創造最低導體間的干擾,使聲音更清晰背景更深沉。


NRG-1 2-Pole AC Power Cable

No matter how perfect an AC power source, distortion is added within any AC cable, especially within a stranded cable. Even the most sophisticated filters and power supplies cannot eliminate this cable-induced distortion.

SOLID LONG-GRAIN COPPER CONDUCTORS (LGC): Solid conductors eliminate strand-interaction distortion. Evergreen's solid Long-Grain Copper allows a smoother and clearer sound than cables using regular OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) copper. OFHC is a general metal industry specification regarding “loss” without any concern for distortion. LGC has fewer oxides within the conducting material, less impurities, less grain boundaries, and definitively better performance.

STAR-QUAD GEOMETRY: The relationship between conductors defines a cable's most basic electrical values (capacitance and inductance). However, even when those variables are kept in a reasonable balance, the relationship between conductors can be varied in ways that greatly affect the sound. The Star-Quad construction of NRG-1 allows for significantly better dynamic contrast and information intelligibility than if the same conductors were run in parallel.

COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This novel plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact.  The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste.

  售價:3,500( 1.8 )




採用Siltech G-5簽名系列之平衡防護技術)

Siltech 研究理論
研究理論著重於高科技物理冶金技術,先進的絕緣材料,以及精確的產品結構。Siltech古典系列的研究發現奇特的冶金理論現象,金原子可以填補銀晶體之間的空隙。本公司新推出到古典系列線材,便根據第5Siltech冶金學理,也稱之為’G 5’ G5技術可以提供極微小的音效失真狀態。切割邊緣的磁性研究,導致Siltech's X-balanced Micro技術的問世,同時也產生真實無雜訊的訊號線。Siltech採用微平衡的工程技術,完成無雜訊的訊號電纜線製作。在現今的生活環境中,到處出現的變壓器、行動電話、電腦以及其他電子設備,其他型式的訊號線,在電性或磁性的環境中,經常都會出現EMI以及 RF的問題。Siltech的新型經典訊號線,可以提供比其他最佳測試以及最高價格競爭對手,高出1萬倍的高品質無雜訊狀態。

想知道Siltech為何要把金銀冶金術運用到這些線樣上,還需瞭解 一下銀的晶體結構。銀和銅的天然晶體結構並未能顯現出最理想 的傳導特性,當電流通過時它們會產生少許失真。晶體簇的間隙 將影響信號傳輸,並引起失真,那些晶體簇可被看作是球狀晶體 群。從第一個圖框內您便能看到那些連在一起的"球體"之間有著大量的空隙,這樣的晶體結構並不利於傳導,而且 它還令信號通道變的更加複雜。Siltech已開發出一項專利技術,大大地減少了那些晶體間的空隙,對銀進行提純以 (介於融化與固化之間),我們加入了24K。我們加入的24K金填補了晶體之間的空隙,改進了線材的電氣信號傳輸特性。 此方法大幅度地降低了失真,提高了線材的信噪比,其結果是更加優異的音樂重播效果。

Siltech, Kapton, Peek
以及Teflon材料 高強度,耐久性可撓性極微小失真(新世界紀錄: 小於1千萬分之一) •高電流特性高電壓特性高功率 8.000W •低電感低阻抗低電容低發散因素超低雜訊(新世界紀錄) •超低靜態雜訊超低磁性敏感度超低磁埸非共振型式的超寬線性頻率反應狀態無雜訊效果不會產生LF, IF, EMF •簡易的聯結操作

  售價:19,800( 1.5 )




      這條1.5米的Siltech Berlin彎源線,是Siltech MXT"^ PRO線材系列中的兵中一款。MXT意思為「混合冶金技術」(Mixed Metal Technoloqy)的意思。MXT Professional Series的線材採用了超高純度的銅、銀和金用一種獨有「電能同軸」(Power Coaxial)的結構把它們融合在一起。要瞭解這種先進的技術,我們先要知道銅和銀的晶體結構特性。銅和銀的天然晶體組群之間的大量間隙會影響訊號或電流的傳輸,當電流或訊號通過時,這些無數的空隙會造成時間的延遲,因此而形成「晶體交接失真」,所以純銅或純銀都並非最理想的傳導材料。Siltech的專利冶金技術,掌握到在冶煉過程中,就在不同形態的晶體形成於液態銀變回固體銀的一瞬間,把液態的24K金注入銀晶體間交接上的空隙,令金份子填滿這些空隙,使到導通性能大大提高。不同型號的線材的晶體交接空隙間的24K金填充率有所不同,頂班的G6 Signature Series的24K金填充率近乎驚人的100%,傳導性幾近完美。有些線材為改善「時差失真」而額外加上電容濾波電路以使訊號波形變得較為平滑但每每為線材增添人功化色彩而弄巧反拙。Siltech Berlin電源線除用上Siltech獨特的冶金技術之外,整體結構相當簡潔,線身相當柔軟導體以幾何結構扭合經獨豆絕緣後互相緊貼,中間填有阻尼物料以防止振動,插頭是高質量的Marinco美式插頭其金屬造工、電鍍質量及堅固構造相當好,在插入和拔出時非常順手,外觀高貴而又堅固。而所有的Siltech插頭都是耐用和防腐蝕性的設計,長時間使用都能保持絕佳的訊號傳輸品質。

  售價:7,250( 1.5 )



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